

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Wendy Hromiak

Contact Information:

Phone: 610-921-8028  x4242     Email:


I received my BS in Elementary Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) in 1992, and my Masters Degree in Elementary Education in 1996.  Since then, I have taken more than 30 credits of college classes to stay up to date on the most current teaching practices.

Teaching Experience: 

--3rd Grade teacher at Muhlenberg for 18 years  

--1st Grade teacher at Muhlenberg for 2 years  

--Math Learning Lab for 5 years

--5th grade teacher at Muhlenberg for 4 years

--Excited to be back at MEC in the Math Learning Lab again for the 2022-2023 school year!


Fun Facts:

My family and I spent 2 weeks this summer traveling through Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, and Montana taking in the sights of several National Parks.



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Wendy Hromiak