Contact Us

School Hours

  • Grades K-3

    9:00 a.m. - 3:25 p.m.

    Main Office Hours

    8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Mission Statement

  •  Muhlenberg School District is dedicated to providing a program of educational excellence that enables all students to attain their potential.

    • All students have the potential to become responsible citizens in our society.
    • The home, school, and student have a shared responsibility for student achievement.
    • An informed and involved community is essential to the development of strong educational partnerships and quality programs.
    • An effective school provides a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment.
    • Embracing diversity and individuality within the context of mutual respect promotes a positive learning experience.
    • Outstanding programs and effective instruction produce academic excellence.
    • Participation in extra curricular activities fosters self-confidence and positive attitudes.
    • Learning opportunities that integrate technology and develop higher order thinking skills empower students to succeed in a global society.
    • High expectations and a commitment to continuous improvement are fundamental for high achievement.

Vision Statement


    Our vision of Muhlenberg Elementary Center is one in which all educators arrive to school each day passionate and excited to teach all students new knowledge and skills.  Educators hold high expectations for every student and hold them accountable to do their very best every day.  Educators willingly accept the learning challenges of those students who do not get it the first, second, third or multiple times and then the responsibility to collaborate with colleagues for those students requiring more than we can individually give.  Educators leave school with the truest sense of satisfaction from a job well done knowing that today, just like their students, they also did their best.


    Our vision of Muhlenberg Elementary Center students is one in which they all arrive safely to school.  All students are happy to be here and excited to get busy with whatever each day may entail.  In their classroom, students are intrinsically motivated to ask why and the curiosity to want to know and do more.  Classrooms are a buzz and active environments of learning.  Students want to be there and they enjoy learning new “stuff.”  Students leave school with a subtle disappointment of having to depart, but also with the anticipation that tomorrow is another exciting, learning-filled day.


    Our vision of Muhlenberg Elementary Center is one in which all staff arrive each day prideful in the work and service they do for the betterment of the whole school.  All staff is aware of the individual contributions they each make for the safety and development of each and every student.  The school is clean, happy and inviting.  A visitor to MEC can see and hear evidence of learning, successes and achievements.


    Our vision of Muhlenberg Elementary Center is one in which, literally and figuratively, radiates a sense of community.  Parents speak proudly of the school that embraces the responsibility of educating their future doctors, lawyers, teachers, carpenter, military commander, or culinary chef. 


    Our vision of Muhlenberg Elementary Center is one in which all faculty, staff and administrators view themselves as a valued contributor to the efficient management and leadership of the school.  The operation of the school is one that has regular and expected "tune-ups" and "fill-ups", but minimal service calls.  The school is operating in the direction of high-performance, standards-aligned learning.  All faculty, staff, students, parents, and administrators are peering forward to the same destination.

High Five

  • Our students follow the "High Five" Expectations!

    • Be responsible
    • Be respectfuly
    • Be there, be ready
    • Follow directions
    • Use self-control