• Welcome Muhlenberg Elementary Center Parents and Families!
       I am excited to be sharing another exciting year of art with your children!  This year, students in grades K-3, will be studying art history.  Every child will develop an understanding and appreciation of art as well as an understanding of history and cultures!  
    Students will focus on the following units within the art history curriculum:
    • Cave Art
    • Ancient Egyptian Art
    • Ancient Greek and Roman Art
    • Medieval Art
    • Art of the Renaissance
    • Impressionism
    • Post Impressionism
    • Modern Art

       Within each art project, students will develop an understanding of the elements of art:  line, shape, color, texture, form, space, and value.  Students will learn to communicate using a basic vocabulary of art as they learn to consider the elements of art within their projects.  Students in grade three will also be introduced to the principles of art: balance, emphasis, movement, proportion, rhythm, unity, and variety.

       All students in grades K-3 will be provided engaging art activities that develop self-confidence and fine motor skills using a variety of materials and techniques.  In the art room, students will develop problem-solving skills as they work through projects. Students will develop a healthy confidence in their abilities as artists as they learn and grow with each project in the art classroom. Students will be challenged to be fearless in making mistakes as they become comfortable thinking creatively!
    *The art history theme for art this year is part of a three-year curriculum of art history, contemporary art and design, and multicultural art.
    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via email at:
    Follow me on Twitter @KristyM_Art
    *Class Dojo:  Class Dojo is a web-based tracking system that allows teachers to communicate your child's daily progress at school.  You will be able to see all of your child's feedback from teachers, view important announcements and updates, and see photos and videos from their class/school.  Patrents and guardians will either be invited by email or send home a parent code.
    *ZPass:  ZPass is a program that tracks when and where students get on and off the bus.  This program also tracks when walkers or family pick up students depart from the building.  The Zpass information is updated in real time and the information is available on www.zpassplus.com or on the app.
  • Muhlenberg Elementary Center Festival of the Arts-  Tuesday, May 15th 

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