Dismissal Procedures
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There is nothing more important to any of us at Muhlenberg Elementary Center and Muhlenberg School District than the safety of our students. It is with this safety in mind that MEC has established and strictly enforce our dismissal procedures.
**Drop-Off/Dismissal Procedures**
Thank you so much to everyone for following the drop-off/dismissal procedures. This supports the safety of every child, family member and staff member.
MEC Drop-Off/Dismissal Procedures
Please refer to these reminders regarding drop-off and dismissal at MEC. It is important that everyone follow these procedures in order to provide a safe and efficient process during drop-off and dismissal.
The doors open at 8:30 AM for students. All students enter through the gym/cafeteria hall doors. Students arrive to school by bus, daycare van, walking, and parent/guardian drop-off. If dropping off students by car, please drive slowly and follow the instructions of the staff members directing traffic. Drop-off is in the front parking lot off of Sharp Avenue.
Breakfast is served and available for purchase from 8:30-8:55 AM each morning.
The school day ends at 3:10 PM. Students are dismissed in the following ways: Bus, daycare van pick-up, walkers, and family pick-up.
Students taking the bus will be dismissed from their bus room and escorted to their bus by their bus room teacher.
Students who are picked up by a daycare van will be dismissed from the daycare pick-up room and escorted to their van by a MEC staff member.
Walkers will exit the building through the walker door in the kindergarten wing. Walkers should immediately walk home using the sidewalks. Walker students should not be picked up by a vehicle on school property. (If you are picking up your child you must do so via the Family Pick-Up process).
All students should use the sidewalks and cross at the crosswalks that have a crossing guard.
Family Pick-Up is located at the end of the 1st grade hallway in the Kutztown Road parking lot. Please be sure to always have your “puzzle piece” in order to pick up your child.
Early Dismissal
If your child is going to be picked up early, you must send in a note with the following information:
- Date
- Time your child will be picked up
- Reason for the early dismissal
- The name of the person who is picking up your child
- Signature of the parent/guardian
Early dismissal notes must be received in the office by 12:00 PM. Early dismissal notes should be sent to school with your child and given to his/her teacher. Please make every effort for notes to be sent to school with your child. If something comes up unexpectedly, please send a picture of your drivers licences or state issued ID, along with the required information listed above, in an email to MECOFFICE@muhlsdk12.net
Thank you for your cooperation with the drop-off and dismissal procedures. All procedures are set up to ensure the accountability and safety of all students and staff members.