C.E. Cole Intermediate School




                              PIZZA                     STUDENT COUNCIL                      MUSIC            



  • Infinite Campus:


    Please check your phone numbers & email information in IC to ensure school messages are being delivered. Thank you!


    Educational Trip Info:

    (Policy 204) - Requests for educational trips to be taken during the school year must be submitted in writing to the building principal at least one week in advance of the scheduled trip. Request letters must include the dates of absence, the destination, and a statement of educational benefit to the student. The principal may approve student trips with families of up to but no more than 5 days of school. No more than three such trips will be approved in one school year. The 5-day limit shall apply to the accumulated total of approved trips. Parents will be given written specific reasons for disapproved trips. Educational travel will not be approved during state-mandated testing for students in test-taking grades.


    Daily Information: Our School Day is 9 AM - 3:10 PM. Regular attendance and timeliness are necessary for your child’s learning. Our 2023-2024 Handbook is published on the District website for your convenience.


    Attendance Information:


    Excused absence includes illness of pupil, quarantine, death in the immediate family, impassable roads, and exceptional urgent reasons that affect the child. If your child is too ill to attend classes, please call the school between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. to report the absence. If an absence is expected to last for an extended period of time, parents should notify school administrators.


    Excused/Lawful Absences: Parents/Guardians and students shall submit the written explanation within three (3) school days of the absence. If the parent/guardian fails to provide a written excuse within three (3) school days of the absence, the absence will be permanently counted as unlawful or unexcused. Unexcused absences include but are not limited to parental neglect including oversleeping or missing the bus. When a student has missed 10 days of school, the matter of which an absence is excused or unexcused is no longer relevant and all absences will count as unlawful unless excused by a doctor’s note.

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Muhlenberg School District

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