- Muhlenberg School District
- Mental Health
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Resources
Childhood mental health and learning disorders are real, common and treatable.
Contact your child's School Nurse or School Counselor if you have questions or concerns.
Una guía para padres que buscan servicios de salud mental para niños
AGuideforParentsSeekingMentalHealthServicesforChildrenSPANISH.pdf 195.61 KB (Last Modified on February 2, 2021) -
A Guide for Parents Seeking Mental Health Services for Children
AGuideforParentsSeekingMentalHealthServicesforChildren.pdf 156.12 KB (Last Modified on February 2, 2021)
Back-to-School Transitions: Tips for Parents
Discussing Difficult Situations with Your Child
Love Doesn't Have to Hurt for Teens
Mental Illness and Substance Use in Young Adults
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
ruOK? Berks Website
It is the vision of the Berks County Suicide Prevention Task Force to save lives by eliminating suicide as well as actively working to reduce the stigma of mental illness in Berks County. Berks County will become a community that is compassionate and willing to embrace and support individuals who are affected by mental health concerns. The task force will accomplish these goals though education and advocacy to the community.
TEXT: ruOK to 484-816-7865