• Central Registration-Grades 1st through 12th

  • Registration Information

    Welcome to the district! Pick up an enrollment packet at the location below, or print out a copy of the packet from the district website. 

    **Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM**

    **Hours of operation are subject to change. 

    Please contact the office to schedule an in-person appointment. 610-921-8000 extension 5536


    Grades 1st through 12th


    Central Registration-Blue Center

    3630 Kutztown Road

    Reading, PA  19605

    Phone: 610-921-8000 Extension 5536

    Email: lanninge@muhlsdk12.net

    The Blue Center is located behind the CE Cole building by the tennis courts and CE Cole Gym. 


    In order to enroll a new student in the Muhlenberg School District, please call the School Registrar. An appointment may be required. A child enrolling in first grade must have completed a kindergarten program or be six years old on or before August 31 to be admitted in the fall. Except for Kindergarten, no registrations will be accepted for the next school year until the day after the last student day of the current school year. For example, students in grades 1-12 who wish to register for the 2025-2026 school year, cannot register until June 9, 2025.


    Please bring the following documents at the time of registration:

    • Two proofs of residency (see below)
    • Immunization records
    • IEP
    • Birth certificate

    If you own/rent property in the school district, please bring:

    1. A Property Tax Bill, Mortgage Statement or Recorded Deed in your name showing residence property or the signed lease/rental agreement; and
    2. One of the following items listed below:
      1. Proof of residency from the County Registrar of Voters; or
      2. Current vehicle registration showing residence property address; or
      3. Utility bill in your name for the current month showing residence property address (cell phone bill is not a utility); or
      4. Check stubs/statement of wages, public assistance, or Social Security showing residence property address.

    A parent/guardian must be present in order for a student to be enrolled.