• Muhlenberg School District FoundationPO Box 245 / Temple, PA 19560 / muhlsdf@gmail.com

  • Board of Directors

    President: Dr. Joseph Yarworth

    Vice President: Timothy Bitting, ESQ

    Secretary: Dee Johnson

    Treasurer: Michael Rowley

    Finance: James Buerger

    Wake-up Program Coordinators: Marleen and Tim Schwambach

    Connie Aikman

    Diana-Rae Sterner

    Nate DeLuca - Founder

    *Meeting: Bi-Monthly, Second Thursday of the Month  







  • Volunteers Needed

    Many of the needs of Muhlenberg students can no longer be met by the District's budget alone.  The Foundation is able to supplement funding by sponsoring fundraising events.  You can help - we need typists, computer users, folks to distribute materials, event coordinators, and grant writers. Contact us with questions or to let us know of your interest.


    Moving Student Development Foward

    Tutoring elementary students in need of additional instruction

    Granting scholarships to post high school institutions (nursing, technology schools)

    Providing teachers with funding for funding for special classroom projects

    Giving financial assistance to students taking a variety of advanced tests

    Providing motivational speakers whose topics may include "succeeding in business and technology," or keeping a positive attitude."




  • Muhlenberg School District Foundation was formed in November 2004. The Foundation, a broad-based, non-profit community organization, is exclusively education and charitable.  The purpose is to provide, encourage and enhance education opportunities for students, residents and employees of the Muhlenberg School District.