Fast Facts

  • Administrative Offices

    801 Bellevue Avenue
    Reading, PA 19605
    Phone 610-921-8000
    Fax 610-921-8076

    Superintendent of Schools

    Joseph E. Macharola, Ed. D.

    Geographic Area

    Muhlenberg, a fast-growing school district in central Berks County, is adjacent to Reading, the county seat, and 30 miles northeast of Lancaster, 60 miles northwest of Philadelphia, and 30 miles southwest of Allentown. Covering approximately 13 square miles, the district includes Muhlenberg Township and Laureldale. Children attend school in one of four buildings, all on one campus. Our suburban residential community has zoned commercial and industrial sections, while a portion is still used for agriculture. The population is approximately 26,000 with over 4,441 students in our schools.

    Secondary Schools

    Muhlenberg High School, grades 10-12
    Muhlenberg Junior High School, grades 7-9

    Elementary/Intermediate Schools

    Muhlenberg Elementary Center, grades K-3  
    C. E. Cole Intermediate School, grades 4-6  

    Student Enrollment



    Administrators: 47
    Support Staff: 181
    Professional Staff: 311

    2023-2024 Operating Budget
    2023-2024 Millage Rate
    2024-2025 Operating Budget
    2024-2025 Millage Rate


    Navy Blue & Gold



    Committee-of-the-Whole Meetings

    First Wednesday of the month*

    Board Meetings

    Second Wednesday of the month*