Our Responsibility for the Students and Our Nation
The Muhlenberg School District has provided enriching learning opportunities for generations. Our history continues to be the cornerstone for continuous improvement. You will see the power of education in the thousands of students whom have graduated from the Muhlenberg School District. Our mission and role in American society has never been more important than it is today. We know by continuously investing in quality programs and technology that our children K-12, unquestionably, will have the proper tools to prepare them for their future. This is only a portion of the incredible responsibility in delivering instruction and teaching social and emotional skills to cope with society’s demands and prepare children to be productive citizens.
The Muhlenberg School District is a beautiful and inspiring blend of children from all parts of the world and from multi-dimensional backgrounds. Our keystone in reaching our children, with all of the tools and materials in consideration, is the human spirit from teachers, staff and administrators who care about our children.
The 2024-2025 school year will be an exciting time for the Muhlenberg community. You will see this in our post pandemic plan, holistic plan for success and in our action plan’s concentric circles, which clearly define the focus of our district. The district is embarking on aggressive and robust building projects over the next seven years. This is primarily due to an additional 850 students enrolled in our school system and will be accomplished in multiple phases. The difference in our community and school district is quite astounding when you review statistics from the last ten years. This is mainly an increase in enrollment from 3,506 to 4,441 and our cultural diversity from 35% to 80% minority. The district falls under a Community Eligibility Program which provides nutrition for all of our students. Muhlenberg School District has the second highest poverty rate and lowest per pupil cost in comparison to other Berks County communities and school systems.
You will find clear evidence on our website of previous district initiatives from over the past ten years which have resulted in tremendous opportunities for our children. These opportunities include literacy, math, science and mental health initiatives which have resulted in new programs in the district. We have a new literacy program commencing next school year. We have invested millions of dollars in technology along with an emerging initiative of one-to-one capabilities for our children at the secondary level. Career technology pathways for our high school students attending the RMCTC continue to emerge with another all-time high number of Muhlenberg School District students attending the CTC over the past two years. The Air Force JROTC program has completed its seventh year with over 800 cadets experiencing the importance of service, knowledge, integrity, character, and pride and respect for the greatest country on earth, the United States of America.
The Muhlenberg School District has an incredible responsibility to invest and grow our children academically, socially, and productively with care and respect. Our rich cultural enrollment only stands for the hope and promise for all children to pursue the American dream. I wish you the very best in the spirit of the Muhlenberg School District.
Joseph Macharola, Ed. D.
Superintendent of Schools