Welcome to Mr. Laxtons Teacher Page!!!
Here you will find all the information you need to be successful this year. There will be links and information for asignments, projects, homework, or curriculum material that we will be covering this year. I am teaching both 9th Grade American Cultures and 8th Grade Civics/Geography so information for both classes will be here for your convenience. If you cannot remember how to find something, my teacher's page will have it or provide the link for you to get it. Google Classroom will be the primary platform used to complete and turn in assignments.
I know life is uncertain and rarely predictable. So, feel free to contact me any time. If you try by phone I will only be available during normal School Hours. Email and Class Dojo are preferred methods of contact. I will do my best to reply as soon as I can.
P: 610-921-8034 ext. 3116
Email: laxtoni@muhlsdk12.net
(All of you were invited to join Class Dojo. If you need the link, email me and I will send it to you along with the access code)