Welcome to the MJHS School Counseling Office!

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MJHS School Counselors

Name Position Phone Number Email
Dr. Thomas Starr 9th Grade School Counselor 610-921-8034 x3513 starrt@muhlsdk12.net
Mr. Rob Urenko 8th Grade School Counselor 610-921-8034 x3512 urenkor@muhlsdk12.net
Ms. Diamante White 7th Grade School Counselor 610-921-8034 x3511 whited@muhlsdk12.net
Ms. Denisse Jaquez Counseling Secretary 610-921-8034 x3510 jaquezd@muhlsdk12.net
Ms. Liliana Moore Social Worker 610-921-8034 x3515 moorel@muhlsdk12.net