

    7th Grade


    (Six sessions per cycle for 1 quarter)
    Technology is presented as a way in which people and societies apply science and other courses of study, to solve problems and meet their needs and wants. Past approaches are presented and new, creative approaches are encouraged. Measurement is reviewed and drafting and structural design is introduced. Students design, build and test a truss bridge. Technical subjects of interest are investigated through a report of the student's choice. As time permits, a final Tech Ed project is developed and built to introduce tool use and skills needed in future manufacturing courses.



    8th Grade


    (Six periods per cycle for 1 quarter)
    The focus of the 8th Grade Technology Education course is manufacturing. The students will spend most of their time in the lab area working on a project. From the area of design, to the finished product, the student's manual dexterity will be challenged by manipulating materials, using hand tools, portable power tools, and some machinery. Lab safety, organization, and maintenance are stressed throughout the quarter.