
    Welcome to Mr. Fair’s 6th Grade class!


    Feel free to contact me through DoJo, email or telephone, or send a note to school!  



    UPCOMING DATES to Remember:
     August / September 2023
    - August. 28:  WELCOME BACK !!
    - Sep. 1 thru Sep. 4:  NO SCHOOL!
                   Happy Labor Day!

    CLASS AWARDS - Congratulations!

     -  "Cole Cup" award WINNER (1Q)  - November
              Red Ribbon Week:  Bulletin Board  "The Best Me is Drug FREE!"  
    -  WOW "Sublime Cupcake" contest!  May
    - "Box Tops for Education" contest WINNER: March
     -  "Pasta for Pennies" Leukemia/Lymphoma - Fundraiser Winner! 
            -  January 
     -  "Cole Cup" award WINNER!  (2Q) - November 
               -  Thanksgiving:  Give What You "CAN" to Help others
     - "Box Tops for Education" overall 5th-Grade WINNER

    - "Box Tops for Education" contest WINNER

    "Cole Cup" award WINNER!  (2Q) - November
               -  Thanksgiving "CAN" Help others

    -  United Way "Change Challenge", October


      Snow Makeup Days:

     F-111 clouds