C.E. Cole Intermediate Music Program
Mr. Tate Dewalt - (3-6 General Music Classes)
610-921-8212 ext. 2213
Mr. Andrew Evans - (Band Director)
610-921-8212 ext. 2306
Mr. Matthew Reiniger - (4-6 General Music Classes and Choral Director)
610-921-8212 ext. 2224
Music Classes 4th, 5th, and 6th Grades:
40-Minute Class once per 6 Day Cycle
Intermediate music offers a sequential and varied approach to teaching musical elements and skills, creative ways to like music instruction to other curriculum areas, and many opportunities for performance. Students will acquire a solid foundation of music knowledge and skills through singing, listening, and playing on various classroom instruments. Opportunities include keyboarding skills in 5th grade and ukulele skills in 6th grade, enhancing their music instrument experience in a variety of genres and music instrument families.
C.E. Cole Band:
The band program is offered beginning in 4th grade. However, students can begin their instrument adventure at any grade in C.E. Cole. Band meets twice per cycle for 25-minutes each time. There are also lessons once per cycle for 30-minutes. Please see the district calendar for up-to-date concert dates and other band events! If you have any questions about band, please contact Mr. Andrew Evans.
C. E. Cole Chorus:
The chorus program is offered for all 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade students. Chorus meets twice per cycle for 25-minutes each time. Please see the district calendar for up-to-date concert dates and other band events! If you have any questions about chorus, please contact Mr. Matthew Reiniger.