About Food Services
Our Mission
Our food service department will provide nutritious meals for our students and staff in a courteous and professional manner. We follow the regulations of the National School Breakfast Program, the National School Lunch Program, Summer Food Service Program, and participate in the Community Eligibility Provision.
Our Menu
We follow a traditional menu with Offer vs Serve. Students are offered daily:
- 1 Serving of meat or meat alternate
- 2 Servings of fruits and vegetables
- 1 Serving of bread or bread alternate
- 1 Serving of milk
We encourage students to take at least 3 of these 5 components to qualify as a meal. One serving of each item is included in the price of the meal. Ala carte prices will be charged for separate or individual items.
Breakfast and Lunch Prices
Elementary / Intermediate School Student Breakfast - Free
Junior High School Student Breakfast - Free
High School Student Breakfast - Free
Adult Breakfast - $3.00
Elementary School Student Lunch - Free
C.E. Cole Student Lunch - Free
Junior High School Student Lunch - Free
High School Student Lunch - Free
Adult Lunch - $5.00Free Meals Program
All School Meals Will Be Served Free for All Children for the 2024-2025 School Year.
No Paperwork Required!
Point of Sale System
The District will operate all cashier functions under a computerized Point of Sale System. All students will have individual accounts and will be identified with an identification number and picture.
Money may be deposited into the student's account. The deposits can be made with a check or cash. Checks should be made to Muhlenberg School District Cafeteria Account. This school year, credit card deposits may be made at the www.myschoolbucks.com website. Follow the directions on the website to make a deposit or check your child's cafeteria account balance. All payments must be made using a cafeteria envelope. These can be obtained at any school office, cafeteria, or the Administration Building. All deposits must be returned for each student individually to that student's school building.
Money left over at the end of the school year will be automatically rolled over to the next school year.
There is a $20.00 returned check fee, which is payable 30 days from receipt of non sufficient funds notice. The original amount of the check will be deducted from the student's meal account, at notice of non sufficient funds. We will provide an alternate lunch if the student has no means to pay for their meal . If a student has any charges on their account, they may not purchase any ala carte items until all charges are paid in full.
If we receive two returned checks from the same family, we will only accept cash payments.
Food Service Personnel
Carey Kline, Director of Food Service and Nutrition, klinec@muhlsdk12.net
(610) 921-8000 ext. 3524Cathy Salesky, Food Service Secretary, saleskyc@muhlsdk12.net
(610) 921-8000 ext. 3514Julie Haas, High School Food Service Manager, haasja@muhlsdk12.net
(610) 921-8078 ext. 4284Bobilyn Gehris, Junior High School Food Service Manager, gehrisb@muhlsdk12.net
(610) 921-8034 ext. 3243Sherry Hoffman, Elementary and Intermediate School Food Service Manager, hoffmans@muhlsdk12.net
(610) 921-8028 ext. 6114
Quick Links
Giant Feeding School Children
Muhlenberg School District is proud to take part in the Giant Feeding School Children program. Thank you.
Food Services Forms
Wellness Policy Assessment
School Board Wellness Policy Assessment and Implementation Report.docx 14.4 KB (Last Modified on November 3, 2021)