Library Services

  • Hours: 7:40 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. daily

    Staff: Ashley Isamoyer

    Phone: 610-921-8078, x4249


    MHS Library and Literacy Hub

    Click here to access the Library and Literacy Hub website.

    High School Card Catalog

    Click here to access the high school card catalog.


    The Muhlenberg High School library currently serves over 1,100 students and 100 faculty and staff. High school students utilize the library during study halls and scheduled periods for class assignments. The program of instruction is planned and integrated within the school curriculum in grades 9-12 in cooperation with faculty. The use of library resources and the mastery of library skills are developed through use and application. All planned courses of study incorporate library skills in their written curriculum.

    The high school library features a state of the art computer lab.  High school students will have the opportunity to utilize a variety of online resources including databases, e-books, the library catalog, and other internet sources. All online resources are launched from the libraries interactive website that utilizes pathfinders, bibliography tools, and educational websites to assist students with their research.