•    Hello, my name is Mr. Romberger. I am the driver's education teacher at the Muhlenberg School District. This driver's education program was created for the Muhlenberg School District students.  The behind-wheel-program is an all-year program for our Muhlenberg students. If you have any questions, my email is rombergerk@muhlsdk12.net


    Oprah Winfrey “What is the most dangerous thing we do everyday?” “Get in our vehicles and drive.”


    Driver Education

    Driver education at Muhlenberg has two parts: driver education theory (classroom) and behind-the-wheel.

       The driver education theory course consists of thirty or more hours of classroom instruction. The state requires that the theory class is thirty hours and it is mandatory requirement for graduation by the Muhlenberg School District. The course prepares students for the written exam part of the learners permit. It gives them practical information they needed to become a responsible driver. The teacher emphasizes the need for speed control, safety belts, and not to drive while impaired from the lack of sleep or the use of drugs. The class will explore topics such as; the Pennsylvania Points System, DUIs, different driving environments, car maintenance, visual perception,safety belt use, distractive driving, traffic accidents, the right-of-way, and yielding.

       The behind-the-wheel portion of the course consists of six hours of car instruction. In order to be eligible for behind-the-wheel, your child must have a seventy-three percent or higher grade both quarters and as a final grade. The behind-the-wheel portion is done by a sign up sheet that the student must get from the teacher. Behind-the-wheel is on a first come serve basis using a waiting list and depends on the teacher's schedule. For example, if your child has fourth period study hall, I can not take them out for behind-the-wheel because of teaching those periods every day. As of the 2011-12 school year, the Muhlenberg School District is charging a $250 dollar lab fee. This fee allows the teacher to work with the students that have conflicting schedules after school, before school, and over the summer. The check or money goes to the high school for records and is written out to the Muhlenberg School District. Seniors must be signed up no later than April 1 their graduating year. Students must currently be enrolled in our school for the Behind-The-Wheel opportunity. 


       This link has all of the forms and the Pennsylvania Driver's Manual. Click on this, Pennsylvania Department of Motor Vehicles then go to driver licensing services. You can scroll down to forms, schedule your driver's license test, PA driver's manual, etc. and hit go. 


    The Benefits of Driver Education


    • Annually, 100 students complete the B-T-W course.
    •   Out of 10, 99 of those drivers become licensed drivers, eliminating 45 to 55 additional absences a year, potentially improving the attendance rate reported by the school under NCLB. 
    • I am one of the few driver education teachers in the state certified to give a driver’s license exam saving the student’s parents additional time and money to help the student get a driver’s license.
    • Annually, between $60,000 to $200,000 savings on insurance goes back to the community for students in insurance bracket driver 16 to 23. (100 students completing both theory and lab times $70 to $300 times 7 years.) At age 24, there is a new bracket for the next ten years.
    • B-T-W students at Muhlenberg drive 15,000 miles annually.
    • Every student merges 12 times on highways before being tested out
    • Decision making at traffic lights
    • Each student will receive the knowledge and theory needed to obtain a Pennsylvania Learners Permit and Drivers' License.
    • Students will gain training from a state-qualified instructor using the best available equipment and the latest teaching techniques.
    • Each student can obtain a Senior License assuming they have not had an accident and citation (no points on his/her record) for one year at age seventeen and a half instead of waiting until the age of 18.


    If you have any questions regarding driver education, call my cell 610-413-0874.